今早王建民在 Baltimore 拿下第 17 勝贏了地主隊 Baltimore Oriole,總教練 Joe Torre 在接受賽後採訪時,台灣媒體(?應該說,偽台灣媒體!)又被請出去了. Taiwanese media, out, please. 台灣媒體被請出去後 Torre 整張臉很明顯的放鬆下來。
- 第 17 秒,沒禮貌的 mic 被 Torre 移下來
- 第 1 分 12 秒連問兩個問蠢問題
- 回答蠢問題後第 1 分 53 秒被請出去
以下節錄網友 FreakC (纖維質男孩) 的抄錄文章,感謝他的熱心,全文請點此。
Reporter: First inning, Abreu (發音真不標準) and A-Rod and Jiambi didn’t make the lineup, can you explain the reason?
Torre: Yeah, some body else playing.
Reporter: Is it because you have much a confidence in Wang that those two cannot…
Torre: Oh, no no no no no no no no no, there was a left-hand pitcherpitching who has been very successful againt this,
and I just want, you know, to give a couple of right-handers opportunity to do something. Plus the fact that Alex’s sick,
so he couldn’t play. But no, had nothing to do with Wang. I do have a lot of confidence in Wang, but I certainly don’t,
I don’t want to take advantage of him by thinking that I’d put a club that I don’t think can win up to.“Taiwanese media, out, please.”