利用 Gmail 破解 PDF 文件的 DRM 數位版權管理限制

剛剛在 digg 讀到這篇文章, 教你怎麼破解 drm, 其實很簡單, 就是把受保護的 pdf 文件寄到 gmail, 然後再點 View as HTML 使該內容以 html 版本模式呈現, 這樣你就可以任意複製該內容了, 這就跟用 google 搜尋到 pdf 文件時可以選擇 HTML 版來瀏覽該內容一樣.

# Open the file with Adobe Reader and click on the “Lock” icon in the down-left corner to see which restrictions apply. Our example file can be printed, but editing or text extraction is not allowed.
# Send the file as an attachment to your Gmail account.
# Open the mail you’ve sent yourself and choose the “View as HTML” option below the (empty) mail body.
# An HTML version of the encrypted file is displayed — part of the layout might be gone, but the text can be extracted with a simple copy/paste command. In case the original PDF file had printing restrictions, those are stripped as well.

2006/5/17 Update:


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